Dynamic DNS + tunnelbroker MikroTik script for HE.net (Hurricane Electric)


Note: Tested on MikroTik 6.2

/system script
add name=he-dns policy=ftp,read,write,policy,test,winbox,api source=”# Update Hurricane Electric DDNS IPv4 address\r\
\n#make sure previousip is initialized with a value ( before the script is first run\r\
\n:global previousip\r\
\n:local ddnshost \”DYNAMIC_HOSTNAME\”\r\
\n:local key \”KEY\”\r\
\n:local updatehost \”dyn.dns.he.net\”\r\
\n:local WANinterface \”WAN_INTERFACE_NAME\”\r\
\n:local outputfile \”he-dns.txt\”\r\
\n# Internal processing below…\r\
\n# ———————————-\r\
\n:local currentip\r\
\n# Get WAN interface IP address\r\
\n:set currentip [/ip address get [/ip address find interface=\$WANinterface] address]\r\
\n:set currentip [:pick [:tostr \$currentip] 0 [:find [:tostr \$currentip] \”/\”]]\r\
\n:log info (\”previous ip = \”.\$previousip.\”, current ip = \”.\$currentip)\r\
\n:if ([:len \$currentip] = 0) do={\r\
\n :log error (\”Could not get IP for interface \” . \$WANinterface)\r\
\n :error (\”Could not get IP for interface \” . \$WANinterface)\r\
\n:if (\$currentip != \$previousip) do={\r\
\n :log info (\”Updating DDNS IPv4 address\” . \” Client IPv4 address to new IP \” . \$currentip . \”…\”)\r\
\n /tool fetch mode=http user=\$ddnshost password=\$key url=\”http://\$updatehost/nic/update\\\?hostname=\$ddnshost&myip=\$currentip\” \\\r\
\n :log info ([/file get \$outputfile contents])\r\
\n /file remove \$outputfile\r\
\n :set previousip \$currentip\r\
\n} else={\r\
\n :log info (\”IP has not changed, no update necessary\”)\r\
add name=he-tunnelbroker policy=ftp,read,write,policy,test,winbox,api source=”# Update Hurricane Electric tunnelbroker IPv4 address\r\
\n#make sure previousip is initialized with a value ( before the script is first run\r\
\n:global previousip\r\
\n:local tunnelid \”TUNNEL_ID\”\r\
\n:local tunnelinterface \”TUN_INTERFACE_NAME\”\r\
\n:local user \”USERNAME_TUNNELBROKER\”\r\
\n:local pass \”PASSWORD_TUNNELBROKER\”\r\
\n:local updatehost \”ipv4.tunnelbroker.net\”\r\
\n:local WANinterface \”WAN_INTERFACE_NAME\”\r\
\n:local outputfile \”he-tunnelbroker.txt\”\r\
\n# Internal processing below…\r\
\n# ———————————-\r\
\n:local currentip\r\
\n# Get WAN interface IP address\r\
\n:set currentip [/ip address get [/ip address find interface=\$WANinterface] address]\r\
\n:set currentip [:pick [:tostr \$currentip] 0 [:find [:tostr \$currentip] \”/\”]]\r\
\n:log info (\”previous ip = \”.\$previousip.\”, current ip = \”.\$currentip)\r\
\n:if ([:len \$currentip] = 0) do={\r\
\n :log error (\”Could not get IP for interface \” . \$WANinterface)\r\
\n :error (\”Could not get IP for interface \” . \$WANinterface)\r\
\n:if (\$currentip != \$previousip) do={\r\
\n :log info (\”Updating tunnelbroker client IPv4 address to new IP \” . \$currentip . \”…\”)\r\
\n /tool fetch mode=https user=\$user password=\$pass url=\”https://\$updatehost/nic/update\\\?hostname=\$tunnelid&myip=\$currentip\” \\\r\
\n /interface 6to4 set \$tunnelinterface local-address=\$currentip\r\
\n :log info ([/file get \$outputfile contents])\r\
\n /file remove \$outputfile\r\
\n :set previousip \$currentip\r\
\n} else={\r\
\n :log info (\”IP has not changed, no update necessary\”)\r\

Initialize previousip with the following command in the Terminal:

:global previous “”


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