Category Archives: DNS

Dynamic DNS + tunnelbroker MikroTik script for (Hurricane Electric)


Note: Tested on MikroTik 6.2

/system script
add name=he-dns policy=ftp,read,write,policy,test,winbox,api source=”# Update Hurricane Electric DDNS IPv4 address\r\
\n#make sure previousip is initialized with a value ( before the script is first run\r\
\n:global previousip\r\
\n:local ddnshost \”DYNAMIC_HOSTNAME\”\r\
\n:local key \”KEY\”\r\
\n:local updatehost \”\”\r\
\n:local WANinterface \”WAN_INTERFACE_NAME\”\r\
\n:local outputfile \”he-dns.txt\”\r\
\n# Internal processing below…\r\
\n# ———————————-\r\
\n:local currentip\r\
\n# Get WAN interface IP address\r\
\n:set currentip [/ip address get [/ip address find interface=\$WANinterface] address]\r\
\n:set currentip [:pick [:tostr \$currentip] 0 [:find [:tostr \$currentip] \”/\”]]\r\
\n:log info (\”previous ip = \”.\$previousip.\”, current ip = \”.\$currentip)\r\
\n:if ([:len \$currentip] = 0) do={\r\
\n :log error (\”Could not get IP for interface \” . \$WANinterface)\r\
\n :error (\”Could not get IP for interface \” . \$WANinterface)\r\
\n:if (\$currentip != \$previousip) do={\r\
\n :log info (\”Updating DDNS IPv4 address\” . \” Client IPv4 address to new IP \” . \$currentip . \”…\”)\r\
\n /tool fetch mode=http user=\$ddnshost password=\$key url=\”http://\$updatehost/nic/update\\\?hostname=\$ddnshost&myip=\$currentip\” \\\r\
\n :log info ([/file get \$outputfile contents])\r\
\n /file remove \$outputfile\r\
\n :set previousip \$currentip\r\
\n} else={\r\
\n :log info (\”IP has not changed, no update necessary\”)\r\
add name=he-tunnelbroker policy=ftp,read,write,policy,test,winbox,api source=”# Update Hurricane Electric tunnelbroker IPv4 address\r\
\n#make sure previousip is initialized with a value ( before the script is first run\r\
\n:global previousip\r\
\n:local tunnelid \”TUNNEL_ID\”\r\
\n:local tunnelinterface \”TUN_INTERFACE_NAME\”\r\
\n:local user \”USERNAME_TUNNELBROKER\”\r\
\n:local pass \”PASSWORD_TUNNELBROKER\”\r\
\n:local updatehost \”\”\r\
\n:local WANinterface \”WAN_INTERFACE_NAME\”\r\
\n:local outputfile \”he-tunnelbroker.txt\”\r\
\n# Internal processing below…\r\
\n# ———————————-\r\
\n:local currentip\r\
\n# Get WAN interface IP address\r\
\n:set currentip [/ip address get [/ip address find interface=\$WANinterface] address]\r\
\n:set currentip [:pick [:tostr \$currentip] 0 [:find [:tostr \$currentip] \”/\”]]\r\
\n:log info (\”previous ip = \”.\$previousip.\”, current ip = \”.\$currentip)\r\
\n:if ([:len \$currentip] = 0) do={\r\
\n :log error (\”Could not get IP for interface \” . \$WANinterface)\r\
\n :error (\”Could not get IP for interface \” . \$WANinterface)\r\
\n:if (\$currentip != \$previousip) do={\r\
\n :log info (\”Updating tunnelbroker client IPv4 address to new IP \” . \$currentip . \”…\”)\r\
\n /tool fetch mode=https user=\$user password=\$pass url=\”https://\$updatehost/nic/update\\\?hostname=\$tunnelid&myip=\$currentip\” \\\r\
\n /interface 6to4 set \$tunnelinterface local-address=\$currentip\r\
\n :log info ([/file get \$outputfile contents])\r\
\n /file remove \$outputfile\r\
\n :set previousip \$currentip\r\
\n} else={\r\
\n :log info (\”IP has not changed, no update necessary\”)\r\

Initialize previousip with the following command in the Terminal:

:global previous “”


MikroTik simple script to update ZoneEdit Dynamic DNS

I have a MikroTik router (RouterOS v4.x) with an ADSL connection at work, unfortunately it comes with dynamic public IP address.  I need to connect to my office workstation or simply the MikroTik router from home or elsewhere but I need to know its latest IP address all the time, so I decided to use ZoneEdit’s Dynamic DNS service.

Add a new script to the MikroTik router (replace those in bold):

  • /system script add name=zoneedit-dyndns source=”/tool fetch url=\”\?\” user=ZEUser password=ZEPass keep-result=no\r\n/delay 30\r\n/tool fetch url=\”\?\” user=ZEUser password=ZEPass keep-result=no” policy=read

Test the script by running it manually:

  • /system script run zoneedit-dyndns

If it shows 2 lines of “status: finished”, then the script works properly.

Schedule the script to run regularly (in this case, every 10 minutes):

  • /system scheduler add name=”zoneedit-dyndns” interval=10m on-event=”/system script run zoneedit-dyndns” policy=read,test

Why does it require 2 “fetch” commands to update?  I think there is a bug in ZoneEdit’s Dynamic DNS updater, so it needs to be forced. The new dynamic DNS change entry has to be significantly different from the previous dynamic DNS entry before the ZoneEdit backend would really update it.

Thanks, ZoneEdit!


I have been using PowerDNS plus PowerAdmin everytime I’m asked to build a web-frontend-enabled DNS system. Unfortunately the developers of PowerAdmin abandoned the project a while ago (last update was in 2004).
Wim Mostrey made an update to the 2 years old out-of-date PowerAdmin in March 2006. His patch introduces two new features for PowerAdmin.
When installing PowerAdmin, make sure that PEAR-DB and MySQL extension for PHP are installed. Otherwise it would produce an error message that’s not helpful (Oops! An error occured!). If those two are installed, then PowerAdmin should work properly.

PowerDNS with Plesk servers

Having separate secondary NS for Plesk servers will be difficult to manage. To ease the process, I came up with an idea of using PowerDNS’ supermasters feature.
Just shove in the IP of the Plesk server, the name of the secondary NS and the server name to the supermasters table.
During initial touch-up of the Plesk server, make sure while modifying the DNS zone template to use THAT Plesk server as the first NS record. Otherwise it would cause problem with wrong SOA name causing PowerDNS not recognizing AXFR sent by the Plesk server.
Also make sure PowerDNS IP is included in the allowed list of AXFR on Plesk!

Some useful queries for PowerDNS’ SQL:
delete records.* from records, domains where records.domain_id = and domains.account = ‘SERVERNAME’;
delete from domains where account = ‘SERVERNAME’;

Valid for Plesk 7.5.