RP-PPPoE server problem in Fedora Core 5, 6, Fedora 7, 8

Since Fedora Core 5, pppoe-server that comes with rp-pppoe RPM package has always been broken. Someone actually filed a bug report, but unfortunately there was no response. Apparently the problem is caused by ppp conflicting with syslogd. If you stop syslogd and klogd, then pppoe-server will run properly. Fedora Core 4 does not have this problem though. I’m not sure if the newly released Fedora 7 has got this issue sorted out. I’m guessing that they haven’t.

If you have installed Fedora 7 and found out that the issue has been fixed, please let me know ASAP. Thanks! 🙂

Update (Jul 03, 2007): Problem confirmed in Fedora 7.

Update (Mar 14, 2008): Problem fixed as stated on bugzilla ticket.

7 thoughts on “RP-PPPoE server problem in Fedora Core 5, 6, Fedora 7, 8

  1. thanks man , info is usefull , I had the same problem with RP-PPPoE in FC 6 !!! I will try FC 7

  2. Well, I don’t know exactly about pppoe-server, but as for pppoe-start it’s absolutely true!!! I had a terrible headache with it trying to configure my Internet connection to
    VPN PPoE server.After installing rp-ppoe package from my Fedora 7 distribution, I’ve configured PPoE connection with ppoe-setup command. And to my great surprise – everething worked fine. But not too long… After about an hour of working in Fedora 7, I’ve noticed that my Internet connection has dissapeared. What is wrong?!?!?!, I wondered…. Hours of trying and no success!!!! /sbin/ifup ppp0 (pppoe-start) could not start it. Or even when it could start i could not get data from Internet (nothing works, ping could not find public Internet servers… ). After occasion reading this post – I have turned off syslogd – AND everething is fine. At least now -). I could succesfully run pppoe-start and get my Internet connection working fine

  3. Problem confirmed on Fedora 8 with pppd 2.4.4 and syslog-ng. Stopping sysllog-ng seems to solve the problem, but that’s not the solution I’m looking for.

  4. Realmente no core 7 e 8 apos fazer toda configuração do pppoe-setup…
    quando ele consegue conectar ele perde todas as rotas… nem o proprio ip local LAN ou WAN ele consegue pingar…
    problema grave se fosse so em casa blz.. mas tem empresas que usam adsl com ip dinamico….
    quero migrar para o core 7 ou 8 e nao posso por este problema.
    Grato pela atenção e conto com a colaboracao na solucao deste problema.

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